Did you know why self-care is essential for mums?
We spend so much time looking after everyone else that it often feels like our needs are last in the queue.
However, it's essential that you look after yourself because that’s how you avoid hitting breaking point when resentment piles up. And it's not just resentment—burnout is where this path leads if we’re not careful.
The therapy community places so much emphasis on self-care that it's part of our code of practice, and we're obliged to ensure it's incorporated into our day-to-day lives.
That's why at the end of each month, I like to take 15 minutes to do a quick audit of self-care, just to get a feel for whether I'm getting the balance right.
I've outlined the process below so you can copy it if you like!
Over time, I've developed different categories that feel important for me. They shift as life changes, but at the moment, they are:
So let’s take a look at January…!
This month, I have seen five different friends/groups of friends. That feels about right for me over a month, although most of it happened in the second half, as I tend to guard my time post-Christmas. One thing I’d like to tweak for the rest of the year is balancing social plans throughout the month to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Another unexpected bonus this month has been reconnecting with people I used to know when I lived in South London 10 years ago. That’s been a really lovely surprise from our move—meeting up with old friends and catching up.

Another big part of the connection category is seeing my extended family—it always lifts me up! I like to see all five of my siblings and my parents whenever I can.
At the beginning of the month, we had my mum’s 80th birthday weekend. We had a big family party on Saturday, followed by a sleepover, games night, and a classic Sunday roast at Mum and Dad’s.
Date Night
I like to go to the pub with my husband on a Friday. It’s a new tradition since moving to London, and it’s a great way for us to decompress, get an hour together at the end of the week, and set ourselves up for the weekend. We missed one week because my husband was traveling abroad, but otherwise, this has been a highlight.
Family Time
As our teen gets older, this is getting harder—she’s keen to see her friends more than us! We’ve managed a few meals out together, which is a great way to connect before she dashes off to her next social engagement.
Overall, connection has felt good this month.
Apart from the small tweaks mentioned above, I’ll aim to keep things much the same for February.
I find that being organised makes life feel so much easier. I have a love/hate relationship with menu planning—I know it helps, but it can feel like a chore!
I like to get food deliveries once a week and batch cook at the weekends when I have time.

I also enjoy sorting out next week at the end of each week to clarify exactly what’s going on. Once I see the space in my calendar, I can plan blocks of time for work, socialising, and self-care.
This works really well for me, and I was pretty consistent during January.
There was one week when this didn’t happen, and I could really feel the frustration of thinking, what shall we have for dinner tonight? Then I’d end up sighing at the cupboards and having to pop out to our local Sainsbury’s for extra bits. Not ideal!
If you know me, you’ll know I LOVE to read—and this January, I’ve read four books! That might sound like a lot to some people, and it’s actually more than usual for me.
But let me be honest: I’ve been reading lighter books because life is pretty stressful at the moment, and I need something to help me switch off.
When I read something more challenging, it usually takes me the whole month to finish just one book.
This might be a controversial opinion, but I like to think of TV as cultural too, and I really enjoy having a couple of things on the go at once!

As a family, we watched The Traitors together—it was great for connection and conversation.
As a couple, we’ve been watching The Bear. I know it’s not for everyone, but we absolutely love it.
On my own, I’ve been enjoying an Australian dramedy called Bump, which has been a perfect way to wind down after work, it helps me transition from work to home.
My husband and I also did a historical walk around the ancient City of London, using a book that a friend gave me for my birthday. It's not something we've done before and we loved it! I think we’ll plan another one for February—it was fun and surprisingly interesting.
We haven’t been to the theatre or cinema this month. Our daughter really doesn’t enjoy the cinema, so we go less and less, but I love it, so I want to fit in a few solo trips if I can.
I also haven’t been to any museums or galleries, despite having memberships to both the V&A and the Tate. I try to make use of them monthly, so I’ll be factoring that in for February.
I walk the dog almost every day. It’s great for getting outside, but if I’m busy or the weather’s grim, it feels like just another thing on my to-do list. I still haven’t quite decided whether I consider it self-care, but for now, I’m counting it.
I think I’ve walked her 29 times this month. I aim to have at least one weekend day off, but on other days, I fit in multiple walks around work.
In terms of other movement, I’ve been doing a lot of stretching because of a sore shoulder—it really helps. But I’ve only done one yoga session, and I’d like to do more.
I haven’t quite found the right gym in London yet, so I haven’t been weightlifting. I really miss it, so that’s something I must get sorted in February.
That's my January review, and as you can see, it helps me identify some key things to focus on for February.
Hopefully, it also gives you an idea of how you can do something similar.
Taking a good look at your self-care and recognising what’s working (and what’s missing) can make a huge difference. Life isn’t like when we were kids, with endless free time to do as we pleased. These days, we have to be intentional.
If you want to reduce overwhelm and feel more balanced, this is a great place to start.
Why not take 15 minutes to reflect on your own self-care this month? What’s been working well for you, and what needs adjusting?
Let me know in the comments—I’d love to hear!